Wednesday 30 March 2011

The Day I couldn't think of anything witty to put into the title

Ladies and Gentlemen, today we are coming up to the deadline for when this whole blog is due to be presented to the powers that be.
In honor of this wonderful and important occasion i thought we should begin with some ranting, whilst keeping the tone light of course. Don't want to scare of the zero followers that I have on this blog you see.
Well first things first I went home to the capital city of London, some of you may have heard this place. To get home I had to use the tube, now I usually have no problems with the underground, sure its crowded and sure it can smell quite bad but it gets you where you want to go sure enough.
However I discovered to my horror that in order to get a ticket from London's Kings Cross to my home station of Oakwood I would have to spend eight pounds. Eight pounds people! Now I know this isn't that much, but it is for just a one way journey, its not a day travel card. For eight pounds I'd like seats that don't have chewing gum ground into them to be honest, I mean is that a completely ridiculous suggestion?
Right well without wanting to come across as a lazy bugger I'm all ranted out right now, I'm tired and (don't tell my parents) slightly hungover. Yes I know its three in the afternoon but a man needs his sleep!
I bid thee farewell, and we shall talk soon.

Thursday 24 March 2011

The Day I Payed For My Second Year

Huzzah! I have handed in the details and now shall not be forced to live on the streets of Lincoln for my second year of university.
Not only is it actually quite a nice day but one of the my assessments is done and finished. Unfortunately as being a hand in on blackboard I have to admit I am fairly worried.
Not because i doubt blackboard's capabilities but technology and I have a love/hate relationship. Mainly I love technology but technology hates me, so it is now in the hands of the great supercomputer in the sky as to whether my lovely essay reaches techno heaven or if it falls into windows vista hell.
Now what else is there, right, getting train home today just hoping its not too hot on the tin can and should be seeing Battle: LA later on. I have heard its really bad from many places but my friends saw it and said it was pretty awesome so I'm going to give it a shot.
But yes whilst in a good mood now I'm sure i wont be happy once I've endured my train journey.
This is Matt signing off.

Monday 14 March 2011

The Day I Almost Drowned in the Shower

So my wet room has decided that it doesn't want to drain the water from the shower anymore, and as such has made my morning routine much more exciting.

Now until they fix the problem I have to make sure when having a shower that I don't fill the room up with too much water or it will overflow into the main room causing all kinds of horror.

Took another weekend off, and managed to achieve the feat of visiting McDonalds three times in three days, I definitely look after myself well.

I also picked up my census form today, I was going to do it but then realised that I hate filling things out, especially when on the front it says 'get this wrong and you could be fined'.

But as you can  tell I've been leading an extremely exciting and fascinating life recently, I think that they should definitely make a movie about me.

Sunday 6 March 2011

The Day I finally wrote a new blog post

Greetings to anyone who may read this!

I am not dead but merely been distracted by this particularly annoying and downright troublesome thing called 'real life'. 

But fear not for I am back, first things first I think I did quite well in my predictions of who would win what at the Oscars, sure I may have gotten director, film and supporting actress wrong but we can't all be perfect now can we. 

The big debate for me right now however is the question of home, and whether or not I want to take this weekend off and have a nice couple of days back in London. Biggest problem is that it’s pretty damned expensive and also that I’m coming back in like two weeks for a friend’s birthday anyway. 

But I guess that once I have made my mind up as to what I am doing I shall post again, and I shall also be trying very hard to get in a post at least every 2-3 days at the most :)
Talk soon my internet comrades.