Wednesday 30 March 2011

The Day I couldn't think of anything witty to put into the title

Ladies and Gentlemen, today we are coming up to the deadline for when this whole blog is due to be presented to the powers that be.
In honor of this wonderful and important occasion i thought we should begin with some ranting, whilst keeping the tone light of course. Don't want to scare of the zero followers that I have on this blog you see.
Well first things first I went home to the capital city of London, some of you may have heard this place. To get home I had to use the tube, now I usually have no problems with the underground, sure its crowded and sure it can smell quite bad but it gets you where you want to go sure enough.
However I discovered to my horror that in order to get a ticket from London's Kings Cross to my home station of Oakwood I would have to spend eight pounds. Eight pounds people! Now I know this isn't that much, but it is for just a one way journey, its not a day travel card. For eight pounds I'd like seats that don't have chewing gum ground into them to be honest, I mean is that a completely ridiculous suggestion?
Right well without wanting to come across as a lazy bugger I'm all ranted out right now, I'm tired and (don't tell my parents) slightly hungover. Yes I know its three in the afternoon but a man needs his sleep!
I bid thee farewell, and we shall talk soon.

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